Machado de Assis and Prosperity Theology
approximation and contrasts
Machado de Assis, Prosperity Theology, “O Sermão do Diabo”Abstract
The goal of this study is to point out similarities and divergences between Theology of Prosperity and the parody “O Sermão do Diabo”, published in 1892 by Machado de Assis. The applied methodology is bibliographic research, with collation of biblical and Machado’s texts. Theoretical support comes from Hagin and recent scholars of the Prosperity movement; for analyzing Machado’s sermon we follow semiotic principles pointed out by Barros (2001) and Proença (2011), elements of carnivalization indicated by Bakhtin (1987) and configuration of parody, according to Hutcheon (1989). Results indicate that Machado and Prosperity movement associate religion and economics, but there are specific motivation and purpose in each proposal.
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