The gods are a function of style

classic mythology in European cultural history


  • Steffen Dix Pontifícia Universidade Católica Portuguesa



Europa, história cultural, mitologia clássica, Fernando Pessoa, Sophia Mello Breyner Andresen


Classical mythology has been and remains an important element in
Europe’s cultural history. At different times and with different functions, the gods
reappeared in European literature, philosophy or arts, and contributed significantly to the formation of modern European consciousness. The first part of the
article contains a brief observation of some of the most significant moments of
mythological revivals in Europe. The second part of the essay aims to identify
two moments of a re-emergence of classical mythology in Portugal, particularly
contextualizing “the return of the gods” in Fernando Pessoa and Sophia Mello
Breyner Andresen. Bearing in mind that they assume a concrete function in an
environment of transcendental disquiet and socio-cultural agitation, the gods do
not simply represent some transitory guests within the poetry or prose of Pessoa
and Sophia Mello Breyner Andresen. In other words, the second part aims to understand.

Author Biography

Steffen Dix, Pontifícia Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Universidade de Tubingen


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How to Cite

Dix, S. (2021). The gods are a function of style: classic mythology in European cultural history. TEOLITERARIA - Revista De Literaturas E Teologias, 11(23), 343–379.