Interfaces between theology and literature to say and think the body as enigma, gift and pathos
corporeity, enigma, gift, pathos, literature, theologyAbstract
When the Research Group "The Interfaces of Anthropology in Contemporary Theology" was created in 2007, it sought to establish a dialogue between anthropology and Christology. The entrance of researchers from other areas in the Group progressively led it to become interested in the place of poetry and narratives in the understanding of one of the constitutive dimensions of the human being: its corporeality. Initially this theme was approached from phenomenology, culminating in the I Interfaces Colloquium "Body-Incarnation" (2015). From there emerged the perspectives from which corporeality was approached by the Group: enigma, gift, and pathos. To approach them, it was seen the need for the resources of poetic reason. The Group privileged then a closer dialogue with poetic and narrative literature, which gave rise to the II Interfaces Colloquium: "Writings of believing in the body, in Portuguese language works" (2017), and with mystical writing, which gave rise to the III Interfaces Colloquium: "These bodies that inhabit me in the sacredness of existence" (2019). The text proposed here briefly resumes the path taken by the Group in these years, then presenting some theoretical elements that guide its understanding of the relationship between the poetics and the theology to think about corporeality.
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