Literatura e Teologia em Dante Alighieri
Uma viagem pelo inferno, purgatório e o céu na renascença medieval
Dante Alighieri, Theology, Literature, Middle AgesAbstract
The studies of Literature and Theology have acquired great space in the academic environment, both by theoreticians of literature and Theologians. Making use of literary analysis allows us to read theological texts in-depth, contributing to the analysis of theology in what literature, or vice versa, can contribute with resources of form and content. Dante Alighieri was an extraordinary poet who wrote Comedy with great mastery. The work is divided into three parts, hell, purgatory, and paradise. Dante tells us about his trip with another great poet, Virgílio (70 BC) will be your guide through hell and purgatory. In the symbology present in the Comedy, Dante represented the man who walks in the “dark jungle” in search of his redemption. Virgílio represents the reason that guides a man through the darkness. Every corner of the poem is a journey into the theological thought of the Middle Ages and a wealth of rhymes and verses from the Comedy. In paradise, Dante is guided by his childhood love, Beatriz, in Dante's symbolism is faith. Saint Bernard, who represents prayer, the mystic who, in Dante's words, the reason is not enough to reach God, but with faith and prayer.
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