Raskólnikov and Caim

Faces of Violence





Literature, Bible, Crime, Dostoevsky, Bakhtin


In Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881), the story of a failed law student, Raskólnikov, who, in the face of the nihilistic spirit of his time, commits a double murder against the old usurer and his sister, is narrated. Throughout history, most scholars have analyzed the characterization of the character, Raskólnikov, as a reflection of the historical-philosophical conditions of the period in which Dostoevsky composed the work. However, little study has been directed to understand the characterization of the character in relation to the biblical archetype of murder, in this case represented by Cain and his fratricidal act. In this vein, the proposed article aimed to analyze intertextually the characterization of the character Raskólnikov in light of the characterization of Cain in the biblical account of Gen 4:1-16. The biblical text in question, was examined in its synchronic form and put as a mythological-literary model of crime. Both Raskólnikov and Cain represent universal voices of violence. They are at odds with each other, given that they commit the crime, and are therefore indifferent and selfish. But they both discover that there is no crime without punishment. In this sense, the characters are invited to forgiveness, to reconciliation, and to the full restoration of dialogue.

Author Biographies

Lucas Alamino Iglesias Martins, UNASP

Doutor em Estudos Judaicos (Bíblia Hebraica) pela Universidade de São Paulo (UNASP). Contato: lucasigle@gmail.com

Thiago Abdala Barnabé

Bacharelando em Teologia e Letras pelo UNASP-EC. Contato: thiagoabdala84@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Martins, L. A. I., & Abdala Barnabé, T. (2022). Raskólnikov and Caim: Faces of Violence. TEOLITERARIA - Revista De Literaturas E Teologias, 12(27), 172–203. https://doi.org/10.23925/2236-9937.2022v27p172-203