Quality and challenges of communion

Dante Alighieri poet and theologian for Alalite





Dante Alighieri, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Literature and Theology- Alalite


The aim of this text is to make a cordial memory of the spirit in which this environment for interdisciplinary dialogue between Literature and Theology which is Alalite today, was founded. To remember is to gather in the present of the heart the steps taken, as well as to imagine new horizons. The symbolic of the travel proposed by Dante in his Divine Comedy –to whom my argentine colleague partners had referred to– has also guided my reflection. Poet and theologian of mercy, hope and freedom –as he was defined by Pope Francis  in his apostolic Letter Candor lucis aeternae, N. 3 and 4– the Florentine had full conscience of the quality of his mission. To drink from the luminous fountain of the river of Love, in order to free mankind from evil and lie, and set up bonds of communion: these have been the flame which his poetry has kept lit for over seven hundred years. To gather the quality of this footprint is Alalite’s challenge.

Author Biography

Cecilia Avenatti de Palumbo, Universidad Católica de Argentina

*Doctora en Letras pela Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA); Profesora Titular Ordinaria de Estética en la Facultad de Teología y en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). Contato: ceciliapalumbo52@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Avenatti de Palumbo, C. (2022). Quality and challenges of communion: Dante Alighieri poet and theologian for Alalite. TEOLITERARIA - Revista De Literaturas E Teologias, 12(27), 90–96. https://doi.org/10.23925/2236-9937.2022v27p90-96