Encuentros con las figuras paternas en el camino de Dante hacia el Padre en la Divina Comedia





In Dante's itinerary from darkness to light, the paternal figures mark out his path in an
ever-increasing progressiveness. From each encounter of Dante with these paternal figures who have
configured his identity, we rescue two elements: the memory of the origin and the prediction of the future.
These elements (origin and destination) make up the truth of the poet's life.
For this reason, these two characteristics of encounters with father figures invite us to think about
the closeness between the encounter with the Father and at the same time with the Truth.
The encounter with the paternal figures and finally with the Father, anticipates and reveals,
“in the middle of the road”, the truth of his life. We can add to this first observation the presence of the City in these encounters:
the father figures always refer to the description of the city as an area of ​​common life.
Father and country as the land of the fathers appear closely linked in Dante's encounters.

Author Biography

Pedro Baya Casal, Universidad Católica de Argentina

*Profesor de Teología na Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). Contato: pedrobaya@yahoo.com



How to Cite

Baya Casal, P. (2022). Encuentros con las figuras paternas en el camino de Dante hacia el Padre en la Divina Comedia. TEOLITERARIA - Revista De Literaturas E Teologias, 12(27), 108–114. https://doi.org/10.23925/2236-9937.2022v27p108-114