Ecotheology of Liberation in Dialogue with Poetry in some Songs that Approach the Theme
Liberation Ecotheology. Poetry. SongsAbstract
This article was inspired by the celebration of 25 years of the publication of two important books: 1. Ecology: Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor – Dignity and rights of Mother Earth, by Leonardo Boff; 2. Theology and Literature: Theological reflection from the Anthropology contained in the novels of Jorge Amado, by Antonio Manzatto. In these works we find the fruitful dialogue between Liberation Theology and Ecology, and the healthy dialogue between Liberation Theology and Literature.The objective of the article is to show, from these dialogues, the songs that approach the ecological question, which reappear and, or germinate, with a new spring air, Amazonian, Samaritan, in a Church that seeks to be on the way, all ministerial and synodal, following Jesus of Nazareth. There are three songs: from Brazilian Popular Music artists and the Songs of the Walk, which help us to reflect on the role of poetry in dialogue with ecotheology, and how such songs make us understand the ethical and spiritual roots of environmental problems, inviting us to a change of behavior, a profound change as human beings. The methodology used was bibliographic research and You Tube videos with the songs.
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