O livro de Areia and the Bible

Infinity and inversions of Scripture in Borges


  • Paulo Augusto de Souza Nogueira Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas - PUC Campinas
  • José Adriano Filho Faculdade Unida de Vitória - ES




O Livro de Areia, Jorge Luis Borges, apocryphal books, reading, Bible


This article seeks to think about reading models of religious texts and, among them, the Bible, based on the experience of reading in Jorge Luis Borges. The Bible is understood as a potential text for the creation of texts, as a world of words that generate virtualities, whose function is to feed poetic creations and to enhance their fiction. The religious text is endowed with polysemy, in an analogous way to the artistic text, which is why they are often found in the border zone between art and religion, at the base of metaphorical creation, in the common characteristics of mythopoetic thought, in the structure of fictional thought that underlies both. By highlighting the connections between the religious and artistic text, and following two of the threads pulled by Borges, the materiality of the text and the microscopic approach, the article presents the concept of text and reading in O livro de Areia, in addition to highlighting how Borges interprets biblical texts in a direct, parodic and ironic way, when he rereads them in the form of apocryphal fragments.

Author Biographies

Paulo Augusto de Souza Nogueira, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas - PUC Campinas

Doutor em Teologia pela Universidade de Heidelberg (Ruprecht-Karls). Professor pesquisador da Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas (PUC-Campinas). Contato: pasn777@gmail.com

José Adriano Filho, Faculdade Unida de Vitória - ES

Doutor em Ciências da Religião (UMESP) e em Teooria e História Literária (UNICAMP). Contato: joseadriano@fuv.edu.br


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How to Cite

Souza Nogueira, P. A. de, & Adriano Filho, J. (2023). O livro de Areia and the Bible: Infinity and inversions of Scripture in Borges. TEOLITERARIA - Revista De Literaturas E Teologias, 13(29), 34–55. https://doi.org/10.23925/2236-9937.2023v29p34-55