Reflections on time in “Alice in Wonderland”, by Lewis Carroll


  • Isaac Malheiros Faculdade Adventista (UNASP)
  • Vanessa Meira Escola Superior de Teologia (EST - São Leopoldo, RS)



Theology and literature, Time, Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll


This article seeks to establish a dialogue between nonsense literature and Christian theology, focusing on Lewis Carroll's work "Alice in Wonderland." By closely examining the text and conducting a literature review, the article highlights themes with significant potential for theological discussion, notably the theme of time, an extensively debated subject during Carroll's era and one that he was well acquainted with. Exploring Carroll's narrative through the lens of Christian theology generates profound reflections on concepts like chronos and kairós, prompting discussions about the interplay between life's fleeting nature and the utilization of time. The article juxtaposes two concepts of time: the White Rabbit embodies relentless and urgent time, while the Mad Hatter embodies a subjective and pleasant time. Carroll's narrative encourages readers to engage in thought-provoking contemplations about time as they tumble into the surreal world of Wonderland.

Author Biographies

Isaac Malheiros, Faculdade Adventista (UNASP)

Doutor em Teologia (EST / São Leopoldo). Professor da Faculdade Adventista (UNASP). Contato:

Vanessa Meira, Escola Superior de Teologia (EST - São Leopoldo, RS)

Mestra em Teologia (EST - São Leopoldo). Contato:


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How to Cite

Malheiros, I., & Meira, V. (2023). Reflections on time in “Alice in Wonderland”, by Lewis Carroll. TEOLITERARIA - Revista De Literaturas E Teologias, 13(30), 185–211.