The Ethos of Nihilism


  • Andrea Potestà



Nietzsche, desert, writing, literature, affirmation


In The Gay Science, Nietzsche describes the situation of man facing the death of God by using the image of “wandering in the infinite desert”. The article claims to discuss the philosophical issue of this “wandering”, in order to exhibit the specificity of Nietzsche’s experience of nihilism and to understand to what extent through this subject Nietzsche defines an unprecedented ethos in the history of thought which opposes him to Russian nihilistic tradition. At the same time, the article puts forward the hypothesis according to which this “wandering” announced by Nietzsche takes place very precisely in the mode of writing of the literature, which contaminates in Nietzsche the philosophical speech. We want to show that there is a very strong connection between the problem of Nietzschean nihilism and the requirement of a language which is no longer that of truth, but that of fiction or of a saying by “wandering” which remains confined to nothing to say. Faced with the problem of nihilism, philosophy must – and we will clarify this necessity through a short reference to Heidegger and Nancy – join literary writing or be done through it.

Author Biography

Andrea Potestà

*Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade de Estrasburgo (Francia). Professor na Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Chile (UCA-Chile). Contato:


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How to Cite

Potestà , A. . (2023). The Ethos of Nihilism. TEOLITERARIA - Revista De Literaturas E Teologias, 13(31), 36–53.