The dialogue between human beings and nature in Buber and Pope Francis
Connections & Language
Dialogue, Relationship, Nature, Creation, Martin Buber, Pope FrancisAbstract
Martin Buber, in his philosophy of dialogue, highlights that human beings can establish a relationship with nature. Pope Francis in Laudato si’ infers that human beings can establish dialogue with the earth (Creation). In this sense, this article seeks to develop existing connections between both authors on the following points: 1) there is divine revelation in Creation; 2) recognition of the intrinsic value of each creature is necessary; 3) the ability to contemplate nature is important, which generates appreciation and encounter; 4) it is urgent to correct a unilateral anthropocentrism that reduces creatures as an It (object); 5) it is necessary to have a virtuous life in relation to nature, which is the ability to invoke affections and conscience in front of others; 6) the ability to listen to the word spoken by nature itself, which communicates even through silence, is essential; 7) the language of fraternity and beauty; Such language creates relationships, is educational and has transformative power.
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