The Religious Aspect In Dostoyevsky‘s Crime And Punishment
Christianity, Conversion, Dostoevsky, Crime and PunishmentAbstract
The purpose of this work is to analyze the importance of faith in the life and work of the Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky, and to present his peculiar conception of Russian Christianity, and his belief that Russians carry Christ's essence within themselves. For this analysis, we will use his Diary of a Writer as a support work. Our goal is to demonstrate how Dostoevsky understood the political and social conflicts of his time, captured the ideas that ebbed in Russia during the 19th century, and put them into the mouths of his most diverse characters in a novel that is now referred to as polyphonic by literary critics. This opposition will be made by exposing Dostoevsky's criticism of Russian revolutionary philosopher Nicolai Chernyshevsky. Finally, we will try to inquire if there is any religious influence relevant to the outcome of the novel Crime and Punishment, in particular whether it is possible to state, solely based on the aforementioned work, that Rodion Românovitch Raskolnikov effectively converted to Christianity.
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