Point of View and Literary Perspective in Mark 5:1-20
Point of View, Narrative Criticism, Narratology, Gospel of MarkAbstract
Since the second half of the 20th century, interest in biblical studies has grown significantly. This growth has been accompanied by the methodological interface between literature and theology, which has provided new fields of study. One of these new areas, which emerged as a reaction to the historical critical school, is the critical reading of narrative. This method, considered one of the most impactful approaches of recent decades, seeks to understand how the text works, literarily speaking. This article specifically focuses on the theoretical exposition of the concept of narrative point of view, its development, and its application to the Gospel text of Mark 5:1–20. It demonstrates that, in addition to being an important rhetorical device, narrative point of view can serve as a useful exegetical and theological tool.
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