From armor to transfigurations
the human challenge to be more
armor, transfiguration, self-knowledge, spiritualityAbstract
This article explores the human journey in search of an authentic existence, free from «armor» — metaphors for the defenses and masks that limit the full expression of the self. The author discusses how these armors, commonly associated with rigid and isolated behaviors, can impede personal and spiritual development. On the contrary, «transfiguration» represents a process of transformation and self-knowledge, inspired by Christian values such as generosity, compassion and the search for transcendence. The article proposes that, to overcome these barriers, it is necessary to cultivate a solid inner life, open oneself to love and dialogue, and adopt service to others as a path to becoming more human. This journey is reflected in the Christian faith, which invites each person to transcend their own condition towards a deeper communion with the divine.
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