Science and Religion in Dostoevsky’s Thought


  • Tereza Obolevich Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow. Faculty of Philosophy. Chair of Philosophy of Religion.


Mots-clés :

Russian thought, Russian theology, Russian literature, Theopoetic, Fiodor Dostoevsky


This article is the result of a work still in progress. We try to show how Dostoevsky, "the greatest Russian metaphysician," understands the relationship between faith and science, between mystery and reason. Dostoevsky postulates a rejection of the "Euclidean spirit" for solving the fundamental problems of man. It should be noted that, despite a long-standing critical tradition, the author of “Notes from Underground” wasn’t exactly an irrationalist, even though in his diary, in his letters one might perceive an attitude of refusal of nineteenth-century scientific standards, such as the experimental method and the logical-argumentative discourse. By the way, in his novels, particularly in the dialogues between the characters, the author uses reason for the sake of the intelligibility of the plot. However, what most characterizes not only Dostoevsky's prose as his world view is the term of dialogues in antinomies. This is because, for him, science, reason would fall short of the divine mystery and the mystery of human life.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Tereza Obolevich, Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow. Faculty of Philosophy. Chair of Philosophy of Religion.

Doutora em Filosofia (UPJPII)


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Comment citer

Obolevich, T. (2018). Science and Religion in Dostoevsky’s Thought. TEOLITERARIA - Revista De Literaturas E Teologias, 8(16), 33–45.



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