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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript needs to be original, unpublished and it may not currently be evaluated for publication by another journal. Any different situation needs to be justified in “Comments to the Editor”

    Submit files in Microsoft Word or RTF format (not exceeding 2MB).


    The research journal GeoGebra is committed to ensuring the highest standards of ethics in publishing.

    To this end, we defend the following principles, based on the Code of Conduct and Standards of Good Practice for Journal Editors, made available by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

  • All Internet page addresses (URLs) stated in the manuscript (e.g., have to be active and clickable
  • Use 1.5 line spacing and a 12-point font. Apply italics instead of underline (except for URL addresses). Insert figures and tables in the text, not at the end.
  • Remove authorship identification from the submitted files and from the Properties option in MS Word to comply with the journal's anonymous condition if you submit it to peer review (e.g., articles), according to the instructions of the Ensuring Blind Peer Review section.

    All metadata fields must be filled in without forgetting the ORCID of each of the authors of the article.

Author Guidelines

Publication standards

Researchers interested in contributing with an original publication in this journal need to prepare their manuscript and send it to the journal according to the following standards:

The syntactic, orthographic, and bibliographic corrections, as well as the typing revision are the sole responsibility of the author(s). Approved articles are published in their original version. Reviewers evaluate if the language used is clear and correct and if the writing style is pertinent.

Manuscripts must be submitted in *.doc or *.docx format, excluding authors' names, any other form of identification and page numbers.

Formatting: Please apply the template provided in the top menu of the journal.

Abstract - in Portuguese and in English and/or Spanish, maximum of 10 lines, single-spaced, same font as the manuscript, italics, including three keywords.

Maximum manuscript size: 15 pages (exceptions must be justified at the end of the manuscript and will be analyzed by the editors)

References - according to current ABNT standards or APA standards.

To submit a manuscript, the author needs to access the webpage of the journal,, register as an author and submit the manuscript in the journal's own environment.

Note: As a precautionary measure, please send a copy of your manuscript to

Contact:Journal of the International GeoGebra Institute of São Paulo

GeoGebra Institute of São Paulo

Rua Marquês de Paranaguá, 111 - Consolação - SP  Postal Code: 01303-050

Phone: +5511 3124-5710


Template e Tutoriais


Resumos III Dia de GeoGebra Iberoamericano

Espaço para inclusão dos resumos apresentados no III Dia de GeoGebra Iberoamericano

Coloquio de la Comunidad GeoGebra Latinoamericana

Número Especial destinado à publicações dos artigos que subsidiaram as palestras do Coloquio de la Comunidad GeoGebra Latinoamericana.

El Coloquio de la Comunidad GeoGebra Latinoamericana es un evento mensual y en línea, en el cual educadores matemáticos de toda Latinoamérica se juntan a compartir y discutir sistemáticamente sus experiencias de investigación y/o docencia usando GeoGebra. 
Los principales objetivos del Coloquio son disponer de un espacio para reflexionar sobre las formas en que la Educación en nuestra región se está relacionando, interactuando y construyendo en su relación con la Cultura Digital y, específicamente, con GeoGebra; además de sortear la barrera económica y de mobilización en nuestra región, a través de la modalidad en línea del Coloquio; y, sobre todo, centrarnos en nuestras fortalezas de lenguaje común (español y portugués), resiliencia, creatividad y solidaridad, todas ellas características del pueblo latinoamericano.

Para acceder a toda la información (carteles de difusión, presentaciones de los ponentes y video completo de las sesiones pasadas) del Coloquio de la Comunidad GeoGebra Latinoamericana puede acceder al siguiente enlace:

Sergio Rubio-Pizzorno 

Stories and experiences with GeoGebra

Editing with texts by invited authors.

The editors of the special edition are professors Jorge Cássio Costa Nóbriga and Sérgio Carrazedo Dantas.

Proposals for Action

Essa secção tem como objetivo apresentar, de forma breve, propostas para a ação que investigadores tenham para a utilização do GeoGebra em múltiplos contextos ou como é utilizado no cotidiano ou na prática docente. São situações que levem os nossos leitores a estimularem a curiosidade e a criarem propostas de investigação que sejam frutíferas para a Educação Matemática, eventualmente em uma dimensão STEAM e interdisciplinar, nas quais o GeoGebra pode ser o lugar comum de vários saberes que se conjugam. Serão aceitas propostas com poucas páginas, com referências e que serão avaliadas por uma comissão designada e editores da revista.

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Names and addresses provided to this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication. They will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.