Functional capacity of candidate for liver transplant after physiotherapy intervention: case report
liver transplantation, liver cirrhosis, mortality, activities of daily living, rehabilitation, physical therapy specialtyAbstract
Liver transplantation is the most complex and invasive surgical procedures in the field of contemporary medical. The postoperative mortality is directly related to the experience of responsible multidisciplinary team, with advanced liver disease responsible for various metabolic disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of a physical rehabilitation program on functional capacity in candidate for liver transplant. A female patient, 43 years old, with a diagnosis of primary biliary cirrhosis (portal fibrosis) for six years was analysed. She presented history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and dyslipidaemia. The patient was evaluated before the start of the training protocol and after it by means of a specific evaluation. The physical therapy done initially: (I) assessment of vital signs; (II) 20-minute fitness, in which the first few minutes of exercise and the last ones were directed to heating and cooling, respectively; (III) strengthening of the quadriceps in the leg extension; (IV) 5-minute cool-down with stretching. This study provided better approach for the personal limitations and characteristics of the disease, to serve as a parameter to a future physiotherapy program based on the rehabilitation and improvement of functional capacity.Downloads
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