Mentzer Index as an adjuvant in the differential diagnosis of heterozygous thalassemia and iron deficiency anemia
Anemia, Iron-deficiency, Beta-thalassemia, Diangosis, differential, Genetic counseling, Cross-sectional studiesAbstract
The aim of the present study was to analyze the Mentzer Index as an adjuvant in the diagnosis of the thalassemia trait of beta-thalassemia, given that, in its homozygous form, beta thalassemia has a clinical setting that is distinct from iron deficiency anemia or even from the beta-thalassemia trait, culminating in a hemolytic anemia with symptoms of excessive hemolysis leading to splenomegaly, anemia with significant hemoglobin deficiency, bone marrow hyperplasia and, in some cases, imminent need for blood transfusion. This is an integrative review of the Mentzer index. A bibliographic review was carried out in the electronic databases PUBMED, SciELO and Periódicos CAPES between 2016 and 2021. 12 manuscripts to be reviewed were incorporated in the present study, which needed to relate the Mentzer index to the differentiation of beta-thalassemia trait from anemia ferropenic. After reading and analyzing the articles related to this study, it was shown that the Mentzer index can be recommended for differentiating between the two pathologies with good sensitivity and specificity for the trait related to beta-thalassemia, however, in case of doubts between anemia iron deficiency and beta-thalassemia, a study with hemoglobin electrophoresis should be performed. Therefore, it is concluded that in the absence of the possibility of carrying out hemoglobin electrophoresis or hemoglobin analysis by HPLC, the Mentzer index can be used to differentiate between iron deficiency anemia and the respective beta-thalassemia trait and start treatment, however, it is necessary to to point out that in the absence of response to therapy, hemoglobin electrophoresis ...
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