Socio-emotional perspectives in succession processes in family rural production businesses


  • Aline Basani Universidade de São Paulo
  • Marco Antonio da Costa Sabino Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais
  • Siméia de Azevedo Santos Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie



Family businesses, Socio-emotional influence, Succession, Family governance


From the context of family businesses located in a rural environment, this research aims to identify how socio-emotional aspects influence the succession process in family businesses, proposing measures that contribute to the succession process with family governance actions. The research is qualitative, with case studies, in-depth interviews, and content analysis by coding subcategories that emerged from the field. In the results, succession must be on the strategic agenda of family businesses; critical incidents may impose unplanned movements; influence of the matriarch; concern about becoming impoverished. Furthermore, governance is seen as a facilitator, but incipient in the family business environment.


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