Context as a Space of Creation and Cocreation: A Glimpse at Works of Bakhtin and the Circle
Bakhtin and the Circle, Modes of communication, Types of contexts, Meaning makingAbstract
This article aims to discuss the meaning of context in the works of Bakhtin and the Circle. The research corpus consists of works signed by Vološinov, Bakhtin and Medvedev published in Brazil. We set an image related to a space of creation and cocreation where discursive, ideological, cultural or artistic modes of communication exist. Results show four types of contexts: the context of the utterance in the speech communication mode of which borders are locutor and interlocutor; the unique and singular context in semiotic communication mode of which borders are active comprehension and evaluative intonation; the aesthetic context in the artistic communication mode of which borders are author and contemplator in a work of art, author and characters in the novel and lyric hero and his/her other in poetry; and the extraverbal context in the cultural communication mode of which borders are a “I-we” and the event of Being.
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