The Heterodiscursivity in Fantastic Narratives of Social Tradition



Heterodiscursivity, Fantastic narratives of oral tradition, Social voices


This article investigates the presence of heterodiscourse in narratives of oral tradition. Therefore, the theoretical foundation is based on the Bakhtinian perspective, which understands the discourse, in the literary narratives, as marked by heterodiscursivity, evidencing a diversity of social voices that signal ways of understanding and points of view about the world. The analysis of the corpus, composed of two narratives from the oral tradition, points out, therefore, that the voices of the narrator, of the traditional storytellers and of the characters appear in constant dialogicity with the social voices, guided by axiologies, positions and evaluative centers of social, cultural and historical order. The study thus found ways of reflecting and refracting the events of existence, moral frameworks that guide them and the understanding of ways of being and acting in concrete situations of life in society, in line with the dialogic assumptions of the research.


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How to Cite

Barros Araújo, N. ., & de Araújo, A. L. . (2022). The Heterodiscursivity in Fantastic Narratives of Social Tradition . Bakhtiniana. Revista De Estudos Do Discurso, 18(1), Port. 87–111 / Eng. 84. Retrieved from


