The Athenian Theater as the Stage for Political Factions: A Political Dispute in the Comedy The Frogs by Aristophanes (405 BC)


  • Dolores Puga UFMS


Athenian theater, Political factions, Choregia, Comedy The Frogs


The objective of this study is to analyze the late 5th century BC in Athens through the lens of an Aristophanic comedy. We shed light on the role of political factions (the hetaireia), which were not limited to public assemblies: by funding stage plays, they constituted a form of political persuasion over the citizens who would vote on matters discussed in the assemblies. For this purpose, we examined the choregic system as a form of domination, analyzed Andocides’ speeches from 415 BC about political disputes (both in theater and, more subtly, in opposition groups), and investigated the topic through a discourse analysis of the comedy The Frogs by Aristophanes (Bátrakhoi, 405 BC).


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How to Cite

Puga, D. (2022). The Athenian Theater as the Stage for Political Factions: A Political Dispute in the Comedy The Frogs by Aristophanes (405 BC) . Bakhtiniana. Revista De Estudos Do Discurso, 17(4), Port. 132–162 / Eng. 143. Retrieved from


