The Gospel of Matthew and the History of Reading in Brazilian Bible Editions


  • João Leonel Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Centro de Comunicação e Letras, Pós-Graduação em Letras.


Gospel of Matthew, History of Reading, History of the Book, Intertitles, Brazilian readers


The gospel of Matthew is one of the most beloved and studied gospels in Christianity, having a rich history of reception. The purpose of this paper is to article study its reading in Brazil from selected intertitles in two biblical versions. The research aims to identify how the gospel has been received by Brazilian editors and readers and how editorial intertitles can provide evidence of such reception. In order to achieve such objective, the history of reading and the history of the book are used as references, based on theories by Roger Chartier (2001, 2002, 2022), Robert Darnton (2010), Lucien Febvre and Henri-Jean Martin (2017), Gerard Genette (1997) and D.F. McKenzie (2018).


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How to Cite

Ferreira, J. C. L. (2023). The Gospel of Matthew and the History of Reading in Brazilian Bible Editions . Bakhtiniana. Revista De Estudos Do Discurso, 19(1). Retrieved from


