Sensitive Sharing and the Corda de Nó(s) Emancipation and Autonomy in the Teaching of Arts
Emancipación y autonomía en la enseñanza de las Artes
Arts teaching, Elementary school, Sensitive sharing, Jacques RancièreAbstract
This article proposes to discuss the aesthetic and poetic praxis in the performance art Corda de Nó(s),[1] based on theatrical and visual narratives directed towards intellectual emancipation and the expansion of the sensibility from the teaching experience within a municipal public school unit, in the city of Palmas (TO). This study focuses on a qualitative methodology of oral and exploratory narrative as well as the researchers’ field notebooks, prepared during the activities referred to in this text, in conjunction with bibliographic studies, on the concepts of preparation, development and conclusion of the lesson plan of Arts discipline, based on universal education, as proposed by Jacques Rancière.
[1]The term Corda de nó(s), the name of the artistic process under analysis in this text, has been retained in Portuguese, as in English, the terms would not convey their original meaning. To understand the term: the term ‘nó(s)’ means, in Portuguese, both more than one knot and a collective of people, including the sender. Thus, corda de nó(s) indicates both the knots in a rope and the connection between the participating people, as if they were linked by a rope.
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