Feminist Theories. Gender Studies. CurriculumAbstract
The Professor MargarethRago, post-doc and free professor at the Campinas State University, is a professor in the History Department since 1985. She was a visiting professor at Columbia University in New York, between 2010-2011, and also from Connecticut College in United States between 1995/1996 and taught classes at the University of Paris 7 in 2003. She was part of the Collective responsible for the publication of the magazine "Libertarian" in 1998-2000 and is one of the coordinators of the international feminist digital magazine Labrys. The professor has studies and research on feminism, subjectivity, gender, Foucault, anarchism, among other themes. It is currently a scientific advisor to the Foundation for Research of the State of São Paulo, the CAPES and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development and participates in the Social Cultural Center of São Paulo. In this interview, the professor dialogues on current controversies in the field of Feminist Theories and Genders e Studies their impact on educational curriculum.
RAGO, Margareth. Do Cabaré ao lar. A utopia da cidade disciplinar: Brasil 1890-1930. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1985.
RAGO, Margareth. Prazeres da noite. Prostituição e códigos da sexualidade feminina em São Paulo. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1991.
RAGO, Margareth. Epistemologia Feminista: Gênero e História. In PEDRO, J.M & SCHIEBINGER, Londa. Feminismo Mudou a Ciência?. Bauru: SP. EDUSC, 1998.
RAGO, Margareth. Libertar a História. In: ORLANDI, Luiz B.L.e VEIGA-NETO, Alfredo (Org). Imagens de Foucault e Deleuze ressonâncias nietzchianas. Rio de Janeiro: DP &A, 2002.
RAGO, Margareth. Foucault, História & Anarquismo. Rio de Janeiro: Achiamé, 2004.
RAGO, Margareth. Anarquismo e feminismo no Brasil. Audácia de sonhar: memória e subjetividade em Luce Fabbri. 3 ed. ver. amp. Rio de Janeiro: Achiamé, 2007.
RAGO, Margareth. A aventura de contar-se: feminismos, escrita de si e invenções da subjetividade. Campinas: Unicamp, 2013.
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