Paulo Freire. Critical-Liberatory Didactics. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Didactics.Abstract
An attentive reading of the book Pedagogy of the Oppressed leads us to verify that the term "didactics" does not appear explicitly in the main work of Paulo Freire. However, this does not mean that there is no Didactics proposed in this work. In this essay, which is characterized as a collective product of debates, study discussions and investigations, we present the results achieved in seeking to systematize the Didactics that emerge from it. In the studies carried out, we tried to answer the following questions: Is it possible to affirm the existence of a Freirean Didactics? What is Paulo Freire's Critical-Liberatory Didactics about in the work Pedagogy of the Oppressed? Our studies indicated that answering the second question requires understanding of the Freirean Didactics in two dimensions: their key underlying assumptions and its contents. The assumptions are political, axiological, gnosiological and epistemological. These contents are the content itself, methods, evaluation and educator-student relationships. In this way, we propose the concept of Critical-Liberatory Didactics as: a dialogical encounter of subjects, educators-students and students-educators, who perform their cognitive acts in the classroom context, mediated by the world, dialected by the relation between freedom and authority, starting from the learners’ perception of reality, which meets and confronts the educator's perception, who, by identifying the limit-situations, selects critical-significant knowledge, and by having an ethicalpolitical horizon seeks the critical insertion (transforming praxis) of the subjects aiming social transformation from the overcoming of the oppressive reality as a condition to achieve the vocation of the human being to "be more".References
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