Pedagogy of the oppressed. Everyday school life. Research with everyday life. Daily life. Dialogue and social emancipation.Abstract
The aim of this article is to establish a dialogue between Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed, which this year (2018) completes 50 years of its first publication, and the work with teaching narratives in everyday life researches, understanding that both are able to contribute to show the multiple facets of life and use of the words, allowing us to make a broad and current reading of Freire's book and its emancipatory potential. We have identified in both cases, and for this reason we use this notion as the nuclear basis of this article, the defense that, contrary to what is enunciated by modernity, common sense is not the only form of knowledge of the populations living in situations of oppression or everyday life is space of mere repetition and unconsciousness, and is therefore incapable of coining knowledge. That is why we understand that the research that we do in our daily lives dialogues with what Freire points out. Working with and using teaching narratives, we invest in the recognition of the knowledge produced in the daily life of schools, problematized in the context of the reflections we collectively make, and the teachers who entrust us with their stories, trajectories and questions. This is how we can perceive this dialogical circulation of knowledge in continuing teaching education actions. Narratives treated and understood as an autonomous word allow us to perceive the power of dialogue as an emancipatory possibility, both for what contribute to the "Being More" of these teachers who with us dialogued and through what they allow us to glimpse about the emancipatory potential of dialogic education.References
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