an approach with alternative teaching materials


  • Cristiane Macedo Glória Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Messildo Viana Nunes Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Guilherme Motta Moraes Universidade Federal do Pará



Combinatorial reasoning, Alternative materials, Initial years


Our research is focused on the notion of Combinatorial Reasoning which is based on the idea that students since the early years develop competence and skills in solving problems related to notions of combinatorial analysis and not only at the Cartesian level, as it is mostly the practice in teaching of basic schools. Our objective was to describe the actions and narratives of teachers in initial training involved in a workshop whose theme was the development of tasks related to Notions of Combinatory Reasoning using alternative materials. The research refers to one of the workshops developed in the Tasks project with alternative didactic materials with an approach to Combinatorial Reasoning notions in the Early Years of Schooling, within the Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarships of the Federal University of Pará, carried out with a class from Integrated Degree in Sciences, Mathematics and Languages, from the Federal University of Pará, from the Institute of Mathematical Education and Sciences, of which 29 students had participated assiduously in the workshops. The intervention contributed to the understanding of how to approach the notion of Combinational Reasoning in the early years of schooling, using alternative materials such as abacus, golden material and others.


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How to Cite

Glória, C. M., Nunes, M. V., & Moraes, G. M. (2021). COMBINATORIAL REASONING IN THE EARLY YEARS OF SCHOOLING: an approach with alternative teaching materials. Ensino Da Matemática Em Debate, 8(2), 92–116.


