contributions in the teaching of quadratic function in basic and professional education




Mathematics teaching, Following teaching, Mathematical modeling, Teaching and learning processes


This research reports the application of a didactic sequence on the quadratic function content using the method of mathematical modeling in the context of active methodologies. The objective of this work is to develop a didactic sequence based on the concepts of mathematical modeling and evaluate its contributions in the teaching of quadratic function in a teaching institution specialized in Professional and Technological Education courses in the interior of the state of Goiás. This research is descriptive. of qualitative approach with case study, where the evaluation is made based on the contributions of mathematical modeling for the teaching of quadratic function and the acceptance of this proposal. The results revealed that the mathematical modeling provided the students with contextualization of the content from mathematical models found in everyday life, favored the fixation of the quadratic function content, as well as enabled the formation of critical and participative citizens. It was possible to see that mathematical modeling can be a teaching method that encourages the student to create, compare, discuss, ask, visualize and expand knowledge. Thus, it is necessary to include cooperative and dynamic activities for the achievement of autonomy and learning by students.


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Author Biographies

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Cinthia Maria Felicio, Instituto Federal Goiano de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia, Morrinhos, Brasil

Julio Cesar Ferreira, Instituto Federal Goiano de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia, Urutaí, Brasil


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How to Cite

Silva, L. G., Felicio, C. M., & Ferreira, J. C. (2021). MATHEMATICAL MODELING: contributions in the teaching of quadratic function in basic and professional education. Ensino Da Matemática Em Debate, 8(2), 138–156.


