GeoGebra Notes: a dynamic resource for teaching mathematics


  • Jeferson Moizés LIMA Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC)
  • Valdir José Junior CORRÊA Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI)



GeoGebra Notes, Remote teaching, Analytical Geometry


This report presents an experience lived by a high school math teacher using a new GeoGebra tool called Notes. This feature, which allows the resolution of a problem-situation, using all the resources already present in the GeoGebra platform and also the use of a pen, with the aid of a mouse, touch pen or finger to write and underline, a tool that used to do it lacks to express different representation registers of the same mathematical object, mainly with regard to algebraic representation, which requires writing in mathematical notation. Here, we will share how this tool can be explored in presential and remote classes, as well as its potential and limitations in mathematics teaching, specifically in an activity on analytic geometry. This activity contemplated questions about the analytic geometry of the point and the line, exploring the different types of representation of the line, in a high school class. The use of GeoGebra Notes enabled an environment that supports collaborative discussions, thus allowing students, in person or remotely, to have an active role in the communication process during class, generating opportunities for restructuring knowledge during social interaction and the feedback provided by the students themselves.


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How to Cite

LIMA, J. M., & CORRÊA, V. J. J. (2022). GeoGebra Notes: a dynamic resource for teaching mathematics. Ensino Da Matemática Em Debate, 9(1), 130–152.


