School mathematics through programming language: a survey of scientific articles
Mathematics Education, Teaching and learning, Programming language, Basic education, Computational thinkingAbstract
Digital technologies in education favor the adoption of active methodologies, with potential for the development of computational thinking also in the discussion of mathematical concepts. In this context, a literature survey was carried out, with the aim of identifying and systematizing articles published from 2016 to 2021 about the integration of programming language in the teaching and learning of mathematics in Basic Education. Characterized as a State of Knowledge research, it comprised the following methodological procedures: survey of scientific articles, obtaining a corpus consisting of 20 articles; exploration of this material; and analysis of general characteristics, also the academic background of the researchers involved, and word cloud of the titles of the selected productions; and comparison and analysis of approaches and perspectives of these researches, comprising the focus of educational level, mathematical content covered, programming languages used and highlighted positive and challenging aspects of this integration. With the results of this work, it is expected to contribute by collecting knowledge produced and highlighting central characteristics of articles that deal with this theme, as possible alternatives for the fields of research and teaching.
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