Social Urgency Issues in Mathematics Classes in the Early Years of Elementary School
Mathematics Teaching, Social Role of Mathematics, Early Years, Competences of the BNCC, Social UrgencyAbstract
In this article, we present the results of a survey that aimed to investigate the perceptions of teachers who teach Mathematics in the early years of Elementary School in relation to how to insert social urgency issues in Mathematics classes with children in the post-pandemic period. We used a qualitative approach to describe and interpret the information that was constituted through an online questionnaire – Google Docs, which was answered by 40 teachers who teach Mathematics in the early years in a discipline of the PPGECM/UNEMAT, campus of Barra do Bugres/MT in the year 2022, entitled: Mathematics Teaching in the Early Years. From the answers obtained with the questionnaire, we carried out a systematization of the data through Content Analysis from the perspective of Bardin (1977) and Rodrigues (2019), which provided us with the constitution of 10 record units that were articulated with each other, through confluences and divergences, for the configuration of three Categories of Analysis, namely: i) Curricular Aspects of Teaching Mathematics; (ii) Students’ posture in Mathematics classes; (iii) Pedagogical Practices of Teachers Who Teach Mathematics, through which we perform our interpretation through a dialogical movement, to provide us with an understanding of the investigated object. The results indicate that, in order to include issues of social urgency in the classroom, teachers who teach Mathematics in the early years need to change the traditional and linear model of teaching for a dialogical, inclusive and humanist model whose focus is the development of Mathematical Literacy so that students use mathematical concepts to understand and critically analyze their everyday situations and realities, that is, to use mathematics to explain and understand the world.
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