THE USE OF PROBLEM-SITUATIONS IN FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS TEACHING: a pedagogical proposal for 9th-grade students in elementary school
Pedagogical Strategies, Financial Mathematics, Problem-Solving SituationsAbstract
This research focuses on improving the teaching of Financial Mathematics for 9th-grade students through a practical approach centered on problem-solving situations. Conducted at the Integrated Teaching Unit Professor Sebastião Marinho de Paula, located in Anajatuba-MA, the study followed a structured plan in four stages: diagnosis, group discussion, expository and dialogic teaching, and practical activities involving problem-solving situations. The results obtained revealed a positive engagement from the students, suggesting a solid understanding of the mathematical concepts addressed. The primary aim of this research was to assess the effectiveness of the pedagogical strategies adopted, particularly concerning the practical application of problem-solving situations, aiming to enhance the learning process and prepare students for real-world financial challenges. The practical approach used in this research proved to be effective in promoting students' understanding of Financial Mathematics concepts. The inclusion of problem-solving situations allowed students to relate theoretical concepts to real-world applications, making learning more meaningful and engaging. Furthermore, the positive results of this research highlight the importance of innovative and student-centered pedagogical approaches that seek not only to transmit knowledge but also to develop cognitive and applied skills that are relevant to students' everyday lives.
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