Literature Spaces problematizations in Uma Jornada Como Tantas, of Francisco Dantas and Essa Gente, of Chico Buarque




Subjectives, Spaces , Identity Formation


The aim of this study is to discuss aspects of Brazilian neoregionalism in contemporary literature, problematize the literary space based on Brazilian neoregionalism, which emerges as a new trend in literature, and finally analyze how fictional and subjective spaces are configured and singularized in neoregionalist works: Uma Jornada como Tantas (2019) by Francisco Dantas and Essa Gente (2019) by Chico Buarque. The research is categorized as bibliographic and is based on the theoretical perspective of the following authors: Braga (2017), Bachelard (1993), Ozíres (2007), Brandão (2013), and Tuan (2015).  First, the necessary foundation was sought to characterize how fictional and subjective spaces directly influence the characters’ identity formation, influencing their emotions, decisions, conflicts, and constitutions. Next, na attempt was made to understand how the characters’ subjectivities are directly linked to the space in which they are inserted.       Finally, analyses of spaces in neoregionalist works were conducted, meticulously observing their composition in the characters’ identity formation, as well as how they act not only in the physical environment but also in the narrative construction, since the space is constructed through dialogues among the characters, their memories, experiences, and subjectivities, characterizing a certain place based on their experiences.


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Author Biographies

Maria Gabriele Silva Pinto, Universidade Estadual do Piauí, Teresina, PI, Brasil

Maria Gabriele Silva Pinto is a graduate student in Portuguese Literature at the State University of Piauí (UESPI).

Herasmo Braga de Oliveira Brito, Universidade Estadual do Piauí, Teresina, PI, Brasil

Herasmo Braga de Oliveira Brito é professor doutor da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) e professor adjunto da Universidade do Estado do Piauí (UESPI).


BACHELARD, Gaston. A poética do espaço. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1993.

BRANDÃO, Luis Alberto. Teorias do espaço literário. São Paulo: Perspectiva; Belo Horizonte, MG: FAPEMIG, 2013.

BRAGA, Herasmo. Neorregionalismo: análise de uma nova tendência na Literatura Brasileira. Teresina: EDUFPI, 2017.

BUARQUE, Chico. Essa gente. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, Schwarz, Roberto, 2019.

DANTAS, Francisco J. C. Uma jornada como tantas. Rio de Janeiro: Alfaguara, 2019.

OLIVEIRA, Franklin. A dança das letras: antologia crítica. Rio de Janeiro: Topbooks, 1991.

OZÍRES, Borges Filho. Espaço e literatura: introdução à topoanálise. São Paulo: Ribeirão gráfica e Editora, 2020.

TUAN, Yi-Fu. Topofilia: um estudo da percepção, atitudes e valores do meio ambiente. Londrina: Eduel, 2012.

TUAN, Yi-Fu. Espaço e lugar: a perspectiva da experiência. São Paulo: Difel, 1983.



How to Cite

Pinto, M. G. S., & Brito, H. B. de O. (2024). Literature Spaces problematizations in Uma Jornada Como Tantas, of Francisco Dantas and Essa Gente, of Chico Buarque. The ESPecialist, 45(2), 186–196.



Transgressive Teachings, Solidarity Learning Dossier