A brief analysis of language tasks used by air traffic controllers in radiotelephony communications in Brazil




Palabras clave:

, Aviation English, Aeronautical English, Air Traffic Controllers, EPLIS, Language Tasks.


This article reports the results of a study, conducted by the EPLIS (the SISCEAB Aeronautical English Language Proficiency Exam) development team, which consisted, among other things,  of an analysis followed by discussion of the language tasks listed in Appendix B of the Manual on the Implementation of Language Proficiency Requirements (Doc 9835, ICAO, 2010). Although those language tasks supposedly represented language used by air traffic controllers, they were considered too vague to be used to improve the exam or to develop teaching and assessment materials. The study was carried out by a team of five experienced and proficient air traffic controllers from different facilities and a language expert with experience in teaching and assessing English for specific purposes using a focus group methodology. The results have shown that the most frequently used language tasks are related to traffic management, mostly covered by phraseology. On the other hand, language tasks involving explanation and clarifications, which are highly recurrent in radiotelephony communications, require the use of plain language. Additionally, the analysis has revealed that although some language tasks might not be so complex in terms of language, nor so frequently used, they play an important role in the safety of operation.


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Biografía del autor/a

Beatriz Faria Aragão, Instituto de Controle do Espaço Aéreo

Beatriz Faria Aragão has a degree in Language Studies, a B.A. in Translation (Portuguese and English), both by Ibero Americana College, and a M.A in Applied Linguistics by the University of Campinas.  She has been working at the Airspace Control Institute (ICEA) since 2005 and she is currently responsible for the Aeronautical English Sector at ICEA. She is an examiner of EPLIS and has experience in teaching and assessing English for specific purposes. Main research interests: language assessment in the aviation context. Email address: biaaragao@yahoo.com


Matilde Virginia Ricardi Scaramucci, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Matilde V. R. Scaramucci,  Full Professor, Department of Applied Linguistics (1982-2018); Volunteer Researcher, Postgraduate Program of Applied Linguistics (2018 -- present); Dean of the Institute of Language Studies (2011-2014); Editor-in-chief of Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada (2006-2014), University of Campinas, SP, Brazil;  member of the team in charge of developing  the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese as a Foreign Language (Celpe-Bras, Brazilian Ministry of Education); responsible for the EPLIS initial validation study; co-editor of  Português para Falantes de Espanhol (2008), Pesquisas sobre Vocabulário em Língua Estrangeira (2008), Pesquisas em Inglês Aeronáutico no Brasil (2018) and Formação Inicial e Continuada de Professores de Português Língua Estrangeira/Segunda Língua no Brasil (2020). Main research interests:  assessment of integrated tasks, validity and washback. Email address: matilde@scaramucci.com.br


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Cómo citar

Aragão, B. F., & Scaramucci, M. V. R. (2020). A brief analysis of language tasks used by air traffic controllers in radiotelephony communications in Brazil. The ESPecialist, 41(4). https://doi.org/10.23925/2318-7115.2020v41i4a5


