Call for Papers The ESPecialist Title: The affective turn in Applied Linguistics: movements and intertwinings of the power of emotions in the field of language studies.


Call for Papers The ESPecialist

Title: The affective turn in Applied Linguistics: movements and intertwinings of the power of emotions in the field of language studies.
We start from the assumptions of pragmatic turns (Pennycook, 2006), as a space for expanding our epistemic perspectives in search of redefining the mind, reason, body and affections in the field of language studies. Based on the legacies of Spinoza (1656/2009) and the Socio-Historical-Cultural Theory (Vygtosky, 1934/2001), we reflect on the contribution and recognition of affectivity, ethical-political suffering (Sawaia, 1998, 2001) and dramatic events (Veresov, 2017) in the constitution of the subject in its processes of human development. This volume aims, based on the philosophy of affects (Spinoza, 1656/2009) and destabilizing affective categories and their emotional effects, to expand the discussion of the affective turn in Applied Linguistics through its interdisciplinary movements that enhance research in the field of emotions.

Dr. Adolfo Tanzi Neto (UFRJ)
Dr. Fernanda Liberali (PUCSP)
Dr. Denise Cristina Kluge (UFPR)
Dr. Christine Nicolaides (UFRJ)
Dr. Yerko Munõz-Salinas (Universidad Santo Tomás - Chile)

Submission deadline: 08/30/2024
Publication date: 2024/2025