Educando para a Cidadania em Contextos de Transformação


  • Fernanda Coelho Liberali PUCSP
  • Maria Cecília Camargo Magalhães PUCSP
  • Angela B. Cavenaghi T. Lessa PUCSP
  • Sueli Salles Fidalgo PUCSP


Este artigo, cujo objetivo é discutir um programa educacional, tem foco em quatro pilares teóricos considerados essenciais para a formação de educadores conscientes de seus papéis na construção de espaços para a constituição de agentes críticos (docentes e discentes). Partimos do pressuposto de que uma educação transformadora se fundamenta em um trabalho colaborativo entre a universidade, as escolas e os demais membros da comunidade pedagógica (incluindo os familiares dos alunos que freqüentam a escola) a fim de que repensem o ensino-aprendizagem e a formação de cidadãos críticos. Cada um dos membros desse grupo de apoio à escola cumpre um papel importante na formação do cidadão crítico (incluindo ele próprio). O referencial teórico discutido aqui é utilizado em um programa de formação que se desenvolve em uma escola pública de São Paulo.


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Biografia do Autor

Maria Cecília Camargo Magalhães, PUCSP

Maria Cecília Camargo Magalhães is Dr in Education by the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA, professor at the Applied Linguistic and Language Studies Post-Graduate Program at the Pontifical Catholic University. She conducts research with teacher continuing education within the theoretical frames of Socio-Historical-Cultural Activity Theory and Critical Reflection. She works with teaching-learning processes and her main interest is on theoretical-methodological issues towards critical research of collaboration.

Angela B. Cavenaghi T. Lessa, PUCSP

Angela B. Cavenaghi T. Lessa is Head of the English Department and Professor of the Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). She is also a lecturer at the Post-Graduate Program of Applied Linguistics, area in which she completed her Doctorate Degree. Her investigations are carried out in the field of Teacher Education, especially with regard to Critical Reflection, Identity and Transversality. She has published a number of papers in Brazil and abroad in which these themes are discussed. For her Postdoctorate research, completed in 2004 at IEL [Institute for Language Studies] – UNICAMP, she focused on the constitution of identities within educational contexts.

Sueli Salles Fidalgo, PUCSP

Sueli Salles Fidalgo is an English teacher and holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Linguistics – also the area of her current doctoral studies at the Catholic University in São Paulo (PUC- SP). For the last eight years, she has been working with Teacher Education, first as coordinator of a Language Institute in São Paulo and, later, in pre-service programs (undergraduate courses in language and literature) and in-service programs (especially in extramural courses). Her main interests include the Inclusion/Exclusion dichotomy – especially Language Inclusion – Critical Thinking and Learning Assessment matters.




Como Citar

Liberali, F. C., Camargo Magalhães, M. C., Lessa, A. B. C. T., & Fidalgo, S. S. (2011). Educando para a Cidadania em Contextos de Transformação. The Especialist, 27(2). Recuperado de


