Digital Poetry
passages and intersign articulations
Digital poetry, Concrete poetry, Eletronic textuality, Visualities, LanguageAbstract
The origin of the poem can be associated with concrete poetry, although a significant part of this genre has developed from combinatorial experiments that followed vanguards based on mathematical and combinatorial codes. The application of the hypertext to its structure enables the work to be broken down into diagrams of multiple becomings that allow passages between logical matrices and sensory-communicative experiences. The purpose of this article is to show how, in digital poetry, there is a complex reconfiguration between languages and technologies, by focusing on some of its first experimental movements. To achieve this objective and supported by the reflections of Antônio (2002), Domingues (1997), Risério (1998), Machado (1993), Ferreira (2008), Menezes (1996), Plaza (1987), among others, we will favor the main transformations poetry was submitted to twentieth century, by mapping innovative proposals and initiatives that can be pointed as precursors to digital poetry and the intersignical relations it promotes.
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