Percurso da História da Química em uma Sequência Didática

discussões e aprendizagens sobre a história da ciência para estudantes do ensino técnico


  • Jefferson Douglas Viana Instituto Federal Catarinense - Campus Araquari
  • Anelise Grünfeld de Luca Instituto Federal Catarinense - Campus Araquari
  • Andre Luís Fachini de Souza Instituto Federal Catarinense - Campus Araquari



This article is the result of a Pedagogical Intervention carried out in the first-year class of the Technical Course in Chemistry Integrated to High School of a Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, taken place on June 28 and 29, 2021, synchronously via teaching remote. Alfonso-Goldfarb et. al. (2016) were used as content for the construction of a scientific view, avoiding distortions from the three deformed views of Gil Perez et. al. (2001). We checked the interests of the students from the constructions and deconstructions of chemistry content, noting the importance of the way of communicating the content and the approach to the history of science by Beltran, Saito and Trindade (2014). Regarding the constant changes in science, some discussions were raised about previous knowledge and the historical context. In the end, the main answers of the students were highlighted to verify the learning and to conclude that the knowledge about the paths of the history of chemistry are interfaces that enable learning of the historical contexts of science, motivating a different view by the students.





História da Ciência e Ensino