Thoughts on neutrality and values in Science
This essay seeks to reflect on some conceptions related to Science, especially with regard to values related, mainly, to its state of neutrality. The motivation for the development of this work consists of the following question: is there really a science that is neutral, objective, rigorous, precise, universal and positive? The investigation triggered by this distrust brings, through this study, historical aspects that, on the one hand, contributed to this reputation of neutrality, as well as a universal method and an excess of confidence, maintained and disseminated until the present time, but which, on the other hand, side, contested from the evolution of science and its approach to technology and historical events. In this sense, is it correct to say that science is neutral? To assist in the development of the problem, the reflections are enhanced by studies prepared by Hugh Lacey, when dealing with three components that are impregnated in scientific practices: impartiality, autonomy and neutrality. At the end, I present the considerations of the debate directed to the context of science and technology education, bringing aspects that justify this discussion being very productive in the educational context.
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