O Percurso Histórico da Ciência como Proposta de Conteúdo para o Letramento Científico


  • Shalimar Calegari zanatta UNESPAR - Universidade Estadual do Paraná
  • Marcia Regina Royer UNESPAR/PARANAVAÍ
  • Alexandre Gabriel Maqueira UNESPAR/PARANAVAÍ
  • Hercilia Alves Pereira de Carvalho UFPR/JANDAIA DO SUL




Sciense Teaching, Sciense History, Fake News


This article aims to show, through argumentative discussions based on Gaston Bachelard's Epistemology, how the History of Science (HC) can help in the student training process aiming at Scientific Literacy (LC), as defined by the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC). This document, guiding Brazilian education, defines LC as the individual's ability to make choices, express opinions consciously based on scientific knowledge and understanding of phenomena, thus exercising their full citizenship. However, the BNCC does not explain the contents that must be worked by the teacher. This document contains the skills and abilities that must be developed in the student, making the choice of content a great challenge. On the other hand, in Brazil, public educational policies have been at the service of neoliberal policies, which value the content of the student's daily life. Thus, as a result, we show that content about HC can promote LC, as defined by BNCC and this is related to combating Fake News.

Author Biography

Shalimar Calegari zanatta, UNESPAR - Universidade Estadual do Paraná

Professora de Física do Colegiado de Ciências Biológicas.

Mestrado e Doutorado na Física do Estado Sólido e professora da pós graduação PPIFOR - Mestrado em formação de Professores.





3.o Congresso Internacional de História da Ciência no Ensino