Análise da aula de Marie Curie (1867-1934) para ensinar densidade para crianças sob a ótica de Isaac Watts (1674-1748)
Experimentation, Marie Curie, Teaching CooperativeAbstract
The vision of Marie Curie regarding the teaching of natural sciences emphasized the importance of laboratory contact for true learning and understanding of phenomena. In 1907, in Paris, a group of scholars, inspired by Marie Curie, created a "cooperative of teaching" with the aim of offering physics classes on density, taught by her, drawing examples from "The Improvement of the Mind" by Isaac Watts (1741). This article analyzed sections of these classes, using the annotations of student Isabelle Chavannes and seeking support from the book "The Improvement of the Mind" by Isaac Watts. It was possible to perceive Marie Curie's concern with knowledge assimilation and that this should occur in a solid, durable, and contextualized manner, bringing characteristics expected of a good educator, such as care for scientific language, semiosis, the pursuit of knowledge evolution, contextualization, and dialectic.
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