The WSF is not Treading on Solid Ground: Contradictions of the Institutionalization of Social Movements
Forum Social Mundial, poder público, Belém (PA/BR),Abstract
This article seeks to demonstrate therelationship between the self-proclaimed
territory of the World Social Forum (held in
the city of Belém, capital of the state of Pará,
in early 2009) and its surrounding areas,
more specifically the relationship between
the Organizing Committee of the WSF, the
government of Belém, and the residents of the
Terra Firme (Solid Ground) neighborhood.
The objective is to relate the events that
occurred during the event in Belém and relate
them to the principles and objectives of the
WSF. In this way, we hope to understand
the limits to which the WSF is subject and
the contradictions that it carries with it and
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