The “Ukrainian War” and the ideological reconstruction of the West




“Western”; imperialism; crisis; NATO; democracy; intellectuals.


Purpose of this article: to address, in an introductory way, the extraordinary load of ideologization present in the current crisis of imperialism. The representation, at the end of the Cold War, of a globalized order in which territories, national states and sovereignty lost all importance quickly gave primacy to the ideological reconstruction of the West, now in need of expanding and consolidating its borders in order to prepare for the shock with other civilizations. The hypothesis that guides this article is that, in the current crisis of imperialism, the defense of the West encounters serious difficulties in articulating with the defense and deepening of democracy. We approach this process through the analysis of a short article by the important intellectual of the left, Slavoj Žižek, whose formulations we try to compare with some central theses of two important intellectuals of the American establishment.

Author Biography

Lúcio Flávio Rodrigues de Almeida, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Livre-docente em Ciência Política. Professor do Departamento de Ciências Sociais da Pontifícia Universidade Católica São Paulo, São Paulo-SP, Brasil. Autor de Ideologia nacional e nacionalismo. São Paulo: EDUC,  2014;  e Uma ilusão de desenvolvimento: nacionalismo e dominação  burguesa nos anos JK. Florianópolis: EDUSC, 2006. Editor da revista Lutas Sociais.


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How to Cite

Almeida, L. F. R. de. (2022). The “Ukrainian War” and the ideological reconstruction of the West. Lutas Sociais, 26(49), 163–178.