Vol. 20 No. 36 (2016): The Right Returns... End of a Cycle in Latin America?

					View Vol. 20 No. 36 (2016): The Right Returns... End of a Cycle in Latin America?

Editorial Committee: Celia Congilio (UNIFESSPA, Marabá-PA); Célia Motta (UFMA, São Luís-MA); Joana Coutinho (UFMA, São Luís-MA); Renata Gonçalves (Unifesp, Santos-SP); Rogata Soares Del Gáudio (UFMG, Belo Horizonte-MG).

Dirs of the dossier: Eliel Machado (UEL) e Fábio Luís Barbosa dos Santos (Unifesp)

Published: 2016-06-30

