Book review: "Será a condição humana uma monstruosidade?", by Adriano Messias


  • Gustavo Rick Amaral Anhembi Morumbi University, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil



Adriano Messias begins the book by noting the presence of the cyborg among us and how the passage of this strange figure from the cinematographic screens and the pages of literature to our daily lives invites us to rethink the human condition itself. The author's exposition remains throughout the work at a safe distance from the optimistic tone we find in those advertising panegyrics of Silicon Valley companies and their heralds in the academic world. On the other hand, Messias is also far removed from the darker tones of an apocalyptic discourse that we find in critical approaches to the contemporary scenario.

Author Biography

Gustavo Rick Amaral, Anhembi Morumbi University, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

PhD from the Graduate Studies Program in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design (2014) at PUC/SP and Master's degree from the Graduate Studies Program in Communication and Semiotics (2009) also at PUC-SP. He is a professor in the Journalism and RTVi courses at Anhembi-Morumbi University. He was coordinator of the Journalism course at Faculdade PAULUS de Tecnologia e Comunicação (FAPCOM) in the period 2015-2016. He was professor in the Social Communication course and in the Philosophy course at Faculdade PAULUS de Tecnologia e Comunicação (FAPCOM) in the period 2012-2016. He is a researcher at the International Center for Peircean Studies (CIEP/PUC-SP) and at the research group Transobjeto (dedicated to the study of the relationship between speculative realism and Peircean realism). He has a degree in Social Communication (Journalism) from Instituto de Educação Superior de Brasília (2006).


MESSIAS, Adriano. Todos os monstros da Terra: bestiários do cinema e da literatura. São Paulo: Educ/Fapesp, 2016a.

MESSIAS, Adriano. Quando os robôs usarem Dior: Angústias Ontológicas e Confusão de Fronteiras em Real Humans. In: Denis, Renó; Américo, Marcos (Orgs.). Ficção e documentário: memória e transformação social. Rosário: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2016b.

MESSIAS, Adriano. Entre zumbis, ciborgues e fantasmas: interfaces entre o corpo, a tecnologia e a educação. In: Fusaro, Marcia (Org.). Artes tecnológicas aplicadas à educação. São Paulo: COD3S, 2018a.

MESSIAS, Adriano. Norman Bates no divã: uma taxidermia sintomatológica do contemporâneo. In: Primati, Carlos; Saldanha, Beatriz (Orgs.). Única: estudos hitchcockianos. São Paulo: Clepsidra, 2018b.

MESSIAS, Adriano. Comunicação e Antropoceno – os desafios do humano. São Paulo: Educ, 2019a.

MESSIAS, Adriano. Todos los monstruos de la Tierra: bestiario del cine y de la literatura. Madri: Punto de Vista, 2019b.