The people by Pessoa and the religiosity simulated
Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) was a pretender, he warned. His understanding of religion went beyond the established social boundaries. The use of heteronomy which has allowed him a multifaceted religiosity. Zigmunt Bauman advocates the thesis that there is a new modernity called “fluid modernity” characterized by the existence of an invisible hand that the company dismantled by a lack of standards and benchmarks. This fact changed the human condition, which requires rethinking the old concepts that permeated our analysis. This paper discusses that both in the case of Religiosity in person, as in the present context, is not religious indifference that characterizes our society, yes, the configuration of a belief that falls outside the major religions. To do so, in this research, we start from literature Pessoa and look to diversify their own religious beliefs.
Keywords: Fernando Pessoa, Religion, Epistemology, Sociology of Religion