Identity of evil in Húmus: dialetic between Being and Not-being
In the lyric prose of Húmus, masterpiece of the portuguese writer Raul Germano Brandão, the reality of the world is absurd and the life, ending in dead, remit to the nothing and is worth just for the dream. The suffering, the pain and the dead are determinant factors to which is impossible to flee. The narrator-character inquiries, but the loneliness remains and the Absolute closes himself in silence. Oscillating between being and not-being, the subject does not acquire conclusive answers to the drama of his own finitude. The character-narrator does not accept the idea of his own disintegration. Húmus pretends to see the man in his totality, on his absolute: not only the natural man, but specially the abstract and metaphysic man.
Keywords: lyric romance; metaphysic; evil.