The handmaid’s tale Bible




Bible, he Handmaid’s Tale, Rereading, Interpretation


Theorists and researchers have increasingly argued that also in literature “nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed”. This Lavoisier principle also applies to literature. Text reception studies are showing the relations of intertextuality that discourses can assume. The Bible, as a sacred text of the Jewish and Christian tradition, is, at the same time, point of arrival and departure. As a point of arrival, it brings together a universe of references and and rereading of the cultures of the fertile crescent. As a starting point, it serves as a reference for authors who use their assumptions, images and paradigms in the construction of their own discourses. The book The Handmaid’s Tale fits into this scenario. The goal is to highlight how texts can be resignified. The present text has as object the readings and rereading that the author of the book The Handmaid’s Tale makes of the biblical text. The goal is to highlight how texts can be resignified. The methodology follows a bibliographic course. Among other aspects, attention to the book is justified by the controversy that the same has activated. The study pursues the hypothesis that the current repercussion of the book is due more to interpretation than to writing.

Author Biography

Flávio Schmitt, Faculdades Estácio (EST)

Doutor em Ciências da Religião. Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Teologia da Faculdades EST. Contato:


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How to Cite

Schmitt, F. (2021). The handmaid’s tale Bible. TEOLITERARIA - Revista De Literaturas E Teologias, 11(25), 52–71.